Wednesday, May 28, 2008

4 Steps to Breathe Easier

Did you know that the air we breathe indoors can be one of the most hazardous things to our health? It can be up to 10 times worse for you than the air outside. Microbial pollutants like mold, pet dander and plant pollen can combine with chemicals like radon and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) to create a pretty toxic environment in your home; since we spend an average of 90% of our time indoors and 65% of our time inside our homes, that can add up to allergies, asthma and worse.

Everything that comes in to our homes has the potential to be harmful to our health; this includes things from the building materials and elements that hold our homes together to the furniture we sit on and the paint that goes on the walls. Indoor air pollution can be bad, but it doesn't have to be.

Here are four easy steps for better air quality indoors:

1) Open those doors and windows! Maintaining proper ventilation in a house can help air quality tremendously.

2)Use Green Cleaning Products. These can help you cut way down on the toxins that YOU introduce into your home. Face it, that clean smell from clorox or fantastic.....those are chemicals which are BAD for you!

3) Use a good Air Filtration System. Lets face it, we can't get rid of all of the carpet, bedding, and wall insulation in our house. This Air Filtration System eliminates all three of the major forms of air pollution: particles such as pollen, pet dander, dust, and cigarette smoke; microbes such as mold and bacteria; and gases and odors.

4) Keep Pesticides out of your garden and lawn. These can easily be tracked back into your house and create fumes in your house.


Momisodes said...

Those are some great tips :) I'm so excited to be able to open the windows more often now that it's warmer outside. We also invested in some decent air filters before the baby was born ;)

James (SeattleDad) said...

Great information! Mrs. LIAYF and I try our best to do our part. We don't use pesticides for sure and we only use green cleaning products. That is when we clean, of course. Hey, we have an infant!