Saturday, June 14, 2008

Thought for the Weekend

Here is this weeks version of the Thought for the Weekend. It's from a rather obscure source, but rings very true for those of us who are parents....

"Everybody knows how to raise children, except the people who have them."

How very true! Everyone has an opinion about raising children, especially your own!

Has anyone else had an experience like this or story to tell around this true ism?


Anonymous said...

I have found that no one knows how to better raise MY kids than my mother (snort! guffaw!).

Dad of Divas said...

Do mother-in-law is similar and believes that she knows our children better than my wife and I...quitea bit frustrating. Outside of this, I have seen people that definitely come to others giving advice even when they don't have kids themselves... makes me wonder where all of their expertise comes from!

Unknown said...

Soooo true, my favorites are the experts that have never had any, and the ones who never have any order in their lifes/homes who need to tell you how to manage yours! Happy Fathers day BTW !